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[ Topic for June: Books and Families ]

There was a time I thought I had extraordinary powers, a time when no matter where I sleep…, I would find mother beside me when I wake up. Ever since then, I have always held the world “family” in high regards.

“Family. What is a family? Oh! A family is where none is left behind and all are unconditionally loved…”

Undoubtedly, a family is a supporting pillar for all of us, where we take a break from the harsh reality that is life. Especially in “Where We Going, Daddy?”, the story which constantly reminds me of how dearly Jean-Louis Fournier, the author of the book, loves his two disabled children. Never has he shunned them away; even though there were many a time he joked about abandoning them to get rid of the burden or regretting having birthed them. In the end, he loved them with all his heart like a true father, blissful whenever he sees his innocent children.

All that adoration, none of which is not formed from life. Whatever it is that we call “family”; in one way or another, we notice it again in that split second when the smell of ink lingers on our hands. With that in mind, for our first topic, A Thinking Reed brings you titles on family which are akin to footages in slow motion revealing the heartfelt emotions in each person.

The cicadas are buzzing and summer is coming. Join A Thinking Reed as we start off the summer with meaningful books. Are you ready for this month’s topic - “family”?


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